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SDS Search

OxyChem provides safety information worldwide for all products produced by OxyChem. To find a safety data sheet (SDS), click the search button.

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Hazard Warning and Product Disclaimer

OxyChem cares about its stakeholders and communities, so please use caution when dealing with chemicals. All chemical products may be hazardous if improperly used, handled or stored. Always ensure that you have consulted the latest Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for any chemical product before using, handling or storing a chemical product, and that you are wearing and using all appropriate safety equipment.

IMPORTANT: The information presented herein, while not guaranteed, was prepared by technical personnel and is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR WARRANTY OR GUARANTY OF ANY OTHER KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE REGARDING PERFORMANCE, SAFETY, SUITABILITY, STABILITY OR OTHERWISE. 

This information is not intended to be all inclusive as to the manner and conditions of use, handling, storage, disposal and other factors that may involve other or additional legal, environmental, safety or performance considerations, and OxyChem and its affiliates (including, without limitation, Occidental Petroleum Corporation) assume no liability whatsoever for the use of or reliance upon this information. While our technical personnel will be happy to respond to questions, safe handling and use of the product remains the responsibility of the customer. No suggestions for use are intended as, and nothing herein shall be construed as, a recommendation to infringe any existing patents or to violate any Federal, State, local or foreign laws.